Paul Sebastian xiDuang

Azcoyotitec faded in his memory like a distant mystical dream.

The communal plantation of his ancestors nestled in a mist-covered playground. Sebastian xi Duang pleasured his youth among overgrown jungles, lagoons, and green rolling hills.

However, the fields barely yielded enough to support the struggling farming community. Centuries of pollutants building in the air and soil ravaged once rich fertile lands. The matron mother of his clan decided on the only course that would stay foreclosure within the xi family order and loss of heritable rights. In exchange for the yearly stipend Faith offered, the clan would give up twenty-two of its children to priestly indenture.

Sebastian was the youngest of eight in his household, male, and too small to be of any real help in the fields. He was chosen.

Though he did not want to leave Azcoyotitec, leave his parents, leave everything he knew, Sebastian understood his obligation to the clan. Indenture to Faith would put food on the table until he reached maturity or until the plantation’s fortunes reversed. Sebastian’s mother escorted her son to Temple-at-Corinth herself and presented him to the Brethren.

Sebastian was seven.

He saw his parents only once thereafter. At thirteen he was inducted into the Disciple of Paul. His mother, her husbands and several of his clan journeyed to Corinth to attend the public ceremony.

It was a strange haunting experience. He did not know these peasants who were so pleased and proud of him. He saw nothing of himself in the strangers.

Sebastian xi Duang never saw them or his homeland again.

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