
Private security militias chartered by a House, or family or clan within a House, these mercenary guildsmen are remnants of the time when The Houses maintained standing armies.

Following the Clan Wars, the jurisdiction of privates was limited to the personal properties of their Matriarchs. They are forbid from operating in publicly designated places, which are delineated by Faith as neutral territory for rival clans, Families, and/or Houses. They operate as a kind of neighborhood watch and are expected to act in coordination with Templar authorities. Privates' ability to bear arms is highly restricted. Ultimately, Houses are answerable to Faith and Templar for the activities of these security forces.

Unlike Enforcers, Privates have legal standing. However, enforcers and privates are commonly perceived as interchangeable. It can be said that one group is paid by a Matriarch "on-the-books" and the other is not.

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